
[Mmm… Aesthetic Pleasing Food!] @ The Owls Cafe (Kozi Square)

By Ashley Sim May Yee on Oct 16, 2019

We are constantly on the search for our next hideout from the hustle and bustle of the city. Or perhaps, some of us are just looking for somewhere new to spice up our Instagram feed. Well, youre in luck because weve found an insta-worthy cafe that will ch

[Wine & Dine With Elegance!] @ B @ Greenhouse

By Ashley Sim May Yee on Sep 26, 2019

If you ever found yourself yearning for Western food in the city of Kuching, make your way to the B @ Greenhouse. Located opposite Wisma Saberkas, the restaurant is called B Menu while the space (available for rent as an event venue) is called B Greenhous

日日中午有优惠 月月推出新菜色 @Hon Ang Restaurant

By Jocelyn Mok on Sep 20, 2019

坐落于新邦迪卡的鸿安酒楼,有着干净卫生舒适的优美环境,还有让顾客宾至如归的亲切服务。适合您一家大小来举办各种盛宴,喜宴,自助餐,宝宝周岁喜宴,公司年度宴会,社团组织年度宴会等。想要吃中餐又想要大展歌喉吗?来鸿安酒楼就对了。酒楼内设有5间贵宾厢房,可容纳一桌至四桌,还有万首歌的点唱卡拉OK设备,让顾客可在舒适的环境下边享受美食边唱歌,搞搞饭局的气氛。一举三得! 鸿安酒楼每个午用餐时段,都有优惠。而且食物价廉物美。这般的美味,价格大约马币RM10左右,就可以让你填饱肚子还可以品尝到美味的中式料理。除此之外,

[A Dose Of Nostalgia!] @ The Granary Kitchen + Bar

By Ashley Sim May Yee on Sep 19, 2019

Old school looking cafes/restaurants are one of the attractions that tourists and locals love to visit; be it to check in on their social media platforms or to indulge in delicious food or just seeking for one to reminisce about. Back to the good old days

[Eat Like A Japanese While Plane Spotting!] @ Oishi Sushi (Aeroville Mall)

By Ashley Sim May Yee on Sep 18, 2019

Step inside Oishi Sushi and youll be amazed by the settings which speaks Japanese elegance. Located in Aeroville Mall, Oishi Sushi has opened its doors to the public and will launch a Grand Opening on the 28th of September 2019 (Saturday). Oishi Sush
